Jackie Chan Cartoon Show

Jackie chan cartoon show season 1 episode 3Chan

Jackie Chan Tv Series


Jackie is poisoned by the Dark Hand and will give him the antidote for the talismans. Jade steals all the talismans, while the Dark Hand destroys the antidote. When Jackie fully turns to stone, the Horse Talisman heals him.

Jackie Chan Cartoon Show

Contents [] About Tohru Tohru is a large Japanese man who joined the at some point. In the first season, he served as loyal right hand enforcer, facing and his family numerous times over the possession of Talismans. As time went on and Valmont expressed his disappointment in Tohru for his failures, the large Japanese man began to have second thoughts about the whole ordeal. After Shendu is restored back to life through his Talismans, he goes back on his promise to reward the Dark Hand for their services. Valmont orders Tohru to face Shendu despite the obviously slim chances, and Tohru nearly dies after being thrown out of Valmont's penthouse. After being treated of his injuries, he goes to the Chans and tells them what he knows of Shendu.

Jackie Chan Cartoon Show Full Episodes

For the rest of the series, Tohru works as shop assistant and is soon chosen as his apprentice in chi wizardry. He also begins a close brother-sister relationship with.

By the end of the series, Tohru is declared by Uncle as a fully realized chi wizard. Appearance Tohru is portrayed as a large Japanese man, weighing approximately 480 pounds and standing taller than most of the characters in the series. His main outfit consists of a white T-shirt with brown overalls and brown sandals. He has black hair in a chonmage hairstyle, which is the traditonal hairstyle of samurais and sumo wrestlers. Personality Tohru is generally a rather slow person, both physically (because of his great bulk) and mentally. This does not mean that he is completely stupid, only that he goes rather easy on letting his mind do the hard work. During his time with the Dark Hand, Tohru was ruthless and would carry out any orders by Valmont to the limits of his efficiency and, if possible, beyond that.